CBP to Enter Liquidated Damages Phase of ISF Filings

Starting July 9, 2013, U.S. Customs and Border Protection will begin the liquidated damages phase of the Importer Security Filing (ISF) enforcement process. The ISF 10+2 requires importers and carriers to electronically submit essential information about cargo shipments at least 24 hours before the ocean freight is loaded onto the cargo vessel headed for the United States.

The CBP works hand-in-hand with many government agencies to ensure the highest level of security and safety of international trade. They require the essential information submitted via the ISF 10+2 to protect against terrorism. This information helps the CBP to identify containers that may pose a security threat. Such containers will be subject to additional scanning and non-invasive physical inspections.

The liquidated damages phase will call for penalty secured by bond in the amount of $5,000 per violation for the submission of inaccurate, incomplete, or untimely filing. If an ISF has not been filed for a shipment due to arrive in the U.S., CBP could potentially withhold the release or the transfer of the cargo. The CBP also reserves the right to refuse a grant to unlade the shipment, with non-compliant goods subject to further inspection on arrival.

Essentially, all importers, shippers, freight forwarders, and customs brokers need to file accurate, complete, and timely ISFs to avoid costly penalties and delays. As an experienced freight forwarder and licensed customs broker, RS Express will continue to provide expert service to our customers in helping them to make sure they have the correct documentation that will be filed accurately, completely, and on-time. RS Express remains committed to helping our customers avoid unnecessary penalties and delays.

Please visit http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/newsroom/news_releases/national/06072013_6.html for CBP’s Press Release.