ISF Enforcement Changes 10/1
U.S. Customs and Border Protection at the ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach will be implementing tighter importer security filing policies for shipments transiting these ports. The current policy “requires that all ISF information on the shipment bound for the U.S. is submitted to CBP 24 hours prior to lading on the vessel at the foreign port”. Previously, CBP required importer security filings to be submitted 48 hours before the ocean vessel arrives at the port. Starting Wednesday, October 1st, CBP will require importers to file an ISF 72 hours before the vessel arrives at the Los Angeles/Long Beach port. Also, CBP “will be increasing their enforcement posture for ISF no-file shipments and will place holds on all cargo that does not have an ISF on file”.
U.S. CBP uses the importer security filings to identify potentially dangerous shipments headed for the United States. Importers that do not file an ISF three days before the ship arrives in the United States will likely face penalties and delays. If you have questions about these policy changes, please call 800-772-7363.
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