Due to continued port congestion at the West Coast ports, some ocean carriers are skipping port calls in an effort to maintain their sailing schedules. This means that ocean carriers may skip Los Angeles/Long Beach, Oakland, or Portland calls and discharge all cargo at one port.
According to the Journal of Commerce, there were 19 vessels anchored outside the port of Los Angeles-Long Beach over this past weekend. “Delays have distrupted carriers’ schedules and forced them to incur heavy costs. Cargo interests, meanwhile, have incurred higher costs and had to devise workarounds or put up with delays. There were reports on Saturday that delays at LA-Long Beach were leading some carriers to skip subsequent vessel calls at Oakland, requiring importers to incur additional inland costs to get goods from Southern California to Northern California destinations.”
The ocean carriers are making discharge decisions for shipments already on the water. Importers with shipments transiting the West Coast ports may incur unplanned inland transportation costs to transport their shipments to their intended final destination.
We will monitor where your shipments are discharged and will provide you with inland transportation options and costs as soon as possible if your cargo is discharged at another port.
Please let us know if you have any questions. We will do our best to provide you as much information as possible to make an informed decision. We very much appreciate your business.
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